Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How To Win Penny Auctions - What Not To Do.

There are quite a few things you need to know about penny auction sites before you can say you know how to win penny auctions.

There is a lot of information available, but most of the guides and tutorials online will tell you what you should do while not many of them will pay any attention to things you absolutely can't do, so here are some penny auction don'ts you need to know about.

1. Don't get too involved.

I've seen a bunch of penny auctions go completely bonkers because one or two bidders didn't know when to stop the bidding war.

It seems like they're fighting for the top position on the bidder list and the thing they're fighting for didn't matter to them anymore.

Well, the great thing about penny auctions is that you can back out at any time and if the auction is not working out like you'd like it to, you should back out. Go ahead and let someone else take over.

It really is nothing personal.

2. Don't waste your bids.
This is another thing I see people do all the time.

 They get into auctions way too early and start bidding when there's absolutely no chance for them to actually win the auction.

Don't do that.

It's much better for you to wait until the very last one or two seconds and then bid than it is to spend money on bids (quite a bit on good penny auctions online) that will get you absolutely nowhere.

3. Don't be impatient.

Impatience and penny auctions don't go well together. You need to learn how to wait even if you really want to win an auction.

Do not bid too early, as I said, and don't bid too rapidly, either.

 The people who win these things place 4 of 5 bids at the most. They know how the game is played and they won't spend time or money on something they can't get.

4. Don't get distracted.

If you're in an auction, set some time aside to watch it properly.

If you get distracted and leave the site for a moment or two, you might be too late with your bids and someone else might steal the auction item from under your nose.

Knowing how to win penny auctions is one thing, but being focused during them is a completely different story.

It can be hard to master penny auctions, but once you learn what you shouldn't do, it will be much easier to focus on what you SHOULD do!

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