Friday, July 6, 2012

Penny Auction Sites Reviews

In the last article I shared with you some tips and strategies on bidding on a penny auction site.

Today we'll continue on with that so that you have absolutely all you need, in order to start bidding, buying great things and saving money successfully.

1. Never be the first person to bid.

It doesn't ever happen that the first bid takes the item. What's more, there's usually going to be someone willing to make that bid for you, so hold on.

You want to wait the bidders out. I normally don't bid unless the countdown says 20 seconds or less and even then, I try to wait as long as possible before I place the bid.

Remember that you'll be paying for every bid you place (which can be quite a bit on the best penny auction sites) and there's absolutely no point in wasting money. The closer you are to the end of the auction, the better your chances for grabbing that item.

2. Don't get into auctions with too much action.

Whenever you're on a penny auctions sites reviews and you see a hot item that everyone and their brother seems to want to bid on, stay away.

There are going to be way too many bidding wars going on, way too many bots helping people bid, and just way too many headaches.

Not worth it.

3. Wait until people lose interest.
Even the hottest, wildest auction will die out eventually. That's just how it is.

You want to get into the auction when people have been bidding for a long time and they're kind of bored. You want to get them when they want to go do something else.


Because if you jump in at that time, chances are you're going to snatch the item before everyone else notices.

You want them to want to run to the next big thing, you want them to get sick of all the bidding wars and quit.

Get in as late as you can and you'll benefit from it, I can promise you that.

Buying things through a penny auctions sites reviews is incredibly effective when done right. I gave you the tips and strategies you need to have to succeed, all there's left to do is go and try this information out. I am absolutely positive that you'll succeed with it if you keep at it, so get to work!
Start by looking up penny auctions sites reviews.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Online Penny Auctions - The Best Strategies And Tactics - Part 1

Knowing how to win online penny auctions is extremely useful when you're trying to save money on things.

You can literally go to one of the best online penny auction sites, pick out what you want and get it for a few bucks, instead of a few hundred, by simply bidding on it.

You need to know, however, that it's not enough to just randomly start placing bids.

Every bid you make costs you money, so you need to have a basic understanding of the system as well as know a few things about the strategies and tactics related to penny auctions.

Here are a few, quick pointers for you.

Do your research.

Before you even think about bidding on anything, you must know what that item usually goes for.

For example, if you need an iron and you see that usually irons go for about $12, you need to pay attention to that.

The reason why this is important is because it'll help you decide whether you should jump into an auction or wait (more on that later.)

Is there anything big happening at the same time?

A lot of people that bid on the best penny auction sites will choose an auction and literally waste their bids by bidding too early or generally not knowing what they're doing.

While that doesn't harm you personally in any way, it increases the number of bidders and the price of the item unnecessarily.

You want as few bidders as possible, so, if there's a big auction happening at the same time as yours, chances are everyone is going to be bidding on the high ticket item, while you quietly snatch what you want before anyone knows what's going on.

Don't bid below the 20 second mark.

This is another very important thing to understand.

Every auction on the best online penny auction sites has a timer, and you don't want to start your bidding if that timer shows more than 20 seconds left to the end of the event.

In fact, if you're just looking to jump in to an auction that's been going on for some time, it's a good idea to do that when the timer shows just one second left.


Because that discourages the people that already placed their bids from continuing (which will make your job that much easier!)

This is it for this article on how to win online penny auctions. More tips and techniques coming up soon!

How To Win Penny Auctions - What Not To Do.

There are quite a few things you need to know about penny auction sites before you can say you know how to win penny auctions.

There is a lot of information available, but most of the guides and tutorials online will tell you what you should do while not many of them will pay any attention to things you absolutely can't do, so here are some penny auction don'ts you need to know about.

1. Don't get too involved.

I've seen a bunch of penny auctions go completely bonkers because one or two bidders didn't know when to stop the bidding war.

It seems like they're fighting for the top position on the bidder list and the thing they're fighting for didn't matter to them anymore.

Well, the great thing about penny auctions is that you can back out at any time and if the auction is not working out like you'd like it to, you should back out. Go ahead and let someone else take over.

It really is nothing personal.

2. Don't waste your bids.
This is another thing I see people do all the time.

 They get into auctions way too early and start bidding when there's absolutely no chance for them to actually win the auction.

Don't do that.

It's much better for you to wait until the very last one or two seconds and then bid than it is to spend money on bids (quite a bit on good penny auctions online) that will get you absolutely nowhere.

3. Don't be impatient.

Impatience and penny auctions don't go well together. You need to learn how to wait even if you really want to win an auction.

Do not bid too early, as I said, and don't bid too rapidly, either.

 The people who win these things place 4 of 5 bids at the most. They know how the game is played and they won't spend time or money on something they can't get.

4. Don't get distracted.

If you're in an auction, set some time aside to watch it properly.

If you get distracted and leave the site for a moment or two, you might be too late with your bids and someone else might steal the auction item from under your nose.

Knowing how to win penny auctions is one thing, but being focused during them is a completely different story.

It can be hard to master penny auctions, but once you learn what you shouldn't do, it will be much easier to focus on what you SHOULD do!

How To Choose the Best Penny Auction Sites

There are a whole lot of penny auction sites on the internet and more of them are being launched all the time. Finding the best penny auction sites canbe no easy task.  It can be difficult to know how to choose a penny auction site so we put this post up to help.

1. Watch the rankings.

There are people all over the Internet that review the best penny auction sites. They'll tell you if a site is reliable, if the items sold by the people running it are of high quality, or if there were any problems getting all of the bids used up.

2. Watch the feedback. 

Online, news spreads like wildfire and bad news does so even faster. Go ahead and take a moment to review forums and group discussions when researching a penny auction site. The people on there will tell you exactly how to choose the best penny auction sites and which ones are good.

3. Go where the people go.

If everyone is using a particular site, maybe there's a reason for it. It might be that the site is well established, maybe it's the most reliable or it has the best items for sale.

Whatever it is, you can't go wrong just following the crowd here.

4. Check the track record.

Whenever you come to a penny auction site, you'll be able to check it out and see how long it's been around, how many auctions it served, how many people have used it.

Obviously, there's nothing better than a proven track record, so...

...if you see a site that seems legit, then it probably is.  

5. If it's too good to be true...

...then it probably is.

I don't want to sound negative or scary here, but if you see an auction site that claims to be the best, if you see a place that just seems to good to be true, and there's no track record to prove their claims, chances are there's something fishy going on...

6. How many auctions have been won by regular users?

This is the last thing to keep in mind. Some penny auction site owners will use bots to bid for them which will stop you from winning auctions.

While those bots are hard to detect, you obviously want to avoid them, as it'll be pretty much impossible for you to win the most valuable items if you have the site owner competing against you.

I hope that by now you know how to choose the best penny auction sites that will be good to work with. Go ahead and put what I told you into action. You won't regret it when you snatch your first item! don't delay and find the best penny auction sites.